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Summer Intensive 2025




July 13th-25th
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Each July, Dramatic Truth Summer Intensive offers a technically challenging, classical, and modern training program, designed with two very unique tracks. In addition to technique-focused instruction, Dramatic Truth’s SDI is uniquely designed to engage dancers in the use of their gifts for worship and to delight their Creator.

Students that participate in 2 weeks will be part of a Special Showcase

 Track  Information and  Application

Classes for all tracks and levels include Ballet, Pointe (on flat for young dancers as needed), Variations, Repertoire, Contemporary and Modern.  Our aim is to help develop the skills dancers will need to be prepared for today’s leading ballet companies. 

This two-week intensive provides dancers with a unique experience, to learn alongside other dancers who are serious about pursuing excellence as well as finding God’s purpose for their dancing. Our intensive is a time of intense daily physical training with evenings full of worship and seeking the Lord in an environment targeted toward releasing your gifts.

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Summer Intensive: Dance Instructors
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